Botswana Lingo is a corpus driven lingo dictionary. The content is ever-growing and new words and phrases are published as they arise.
Language is developing at a rapid rate because of new age technology such as web and digital media. This has brought about a large vocabulary of widely used words and phrases, some of which are not recognised by traditional dictionaries.
In order to stay ahead it is essential for language research to keep track of these changes as they arise.
Botswana Lingo exists to close that gap.
You can sign-up, log-in and start suggesting terms and phrases that you think should be published on the dictionary. Our editors will moderate the terms and publish it if it meets the criteria.
You may also share and post comments on various words/phrases.
If you would like to talk to us for any suggestions, marketing related stuff or more feel free to send us an email to the address below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Somewhere in Botswana